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Tutorials & Guides, Freelance WordPress Developer | Page 24

Display the Estimated Post Reading Time on WordPress

You’ve might come across certain websites that provide the estimated reading time of an article like this one. Personally, when I saw this, I thought it was a bit absurd. However, I’ve already come across several articles explaining that displaying [...]

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error on WordPress Sites

Server Error 500, also referred to as 500 Internal Server Error is probably the most annoying error you can get, on WordPress websites in particular, and on websites in general. Server Error 500 basically means that something somewhere went wrong.

Gutenberg – The New WordPress Editor

Maybe you’ve noticed some tremors around the world of WordPress. Something has been cooking for quite some time, and its name is Gutenberg. It’s a new editing environment in WordPress, and its impact is going to be quite significant. Some [...]

Savvy WordPress Development