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Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 9

How to use Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin – Full Guide Part 1

The plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast is the most popular one for optimizing WordPress sites in search engines. With over five million active installations and an average rating of 4.9 in the WordPress plugin repository, it is reasonable to assume [...]

Explanation of querySelector and querySelectorAll in JavaScript

This guide will help you understand the use of the querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods. We will learn how to easily find elements in the DOM using querySelector and querySelectorAll. The term DOM refers to the document object model, which represents [...]

How to Remove the Default loaded CSS in WooCommerce?

If you are building your own template and intend to use WooCommerce, or if you want to customize any template that uses WooCommerce for RTL and adapt it to Hebrew, you probably want to remove the default loaded style files [...]

A Few Words about HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Code is the server response to the browser’s request. When you visit any website, your browser sends a request to the server, and it responds to the request by returning a three-digit code: HTTP Status Code. If we [...]

Displaying Recent Comments in WordPress Without a Plugin

WordPress comes with a robust comments mechanism that allows visitors to communicate with you and other readers on the site. These comments play a crucial role in building a community around your blog. They enable readers to participate in discussions, [...]

An In-Depth Look at Events in Google Analytics

By default, Google Analytics measures traffic on your site and tracks metrics such as pageviews, bounce rate, and more. However, if you want to track more specific interactions, such as file downloads, link clicks, form submissions, and video views, you [...]

How to use the rel=next & rel=prev Tags?

The elements rel="next" and rel="prev" are HTML Link Elements intended to indicate relationships between URLs in a series or set of pages. On the level of internet sites, a numbered sequence of any content can take various forms… Update – [...]