
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 8

A Glance at CSS Mix Blend Modes

According to Wikipedia, merging (or “blending modes”) in digital image editing and computer graphics is used to determine how two layers blend together. In most applications, the default blending mode is simply to hide the bottom layer by covering it [...]

Passing Variables using get_template_part in WordPress

Similar to the standard include() or require() PHP functions, WordPress provides its own function for loading templates (PHP files), called get_template_part(). As its name suggests, it is designed to call parts of templates in WordPress sites. While using the get_template_part() [...]

Optimization WordPress Configuration through wp-config.php

WordPress users are familiar with the wp-config.php file as the one used to set up the database information, such as the database name, the username, password, and its location (as well as table prefixes, security keys, and language). However, many [...]

Create an Elements Filter with Isotope Library

In this post, we will show how to create a filter with Isotope that allows filtering elements based on any attribute, in our case, we will enable filtering posts by taxonomy. To create the filter we gonna use Isotope which [...]

Creating Virtual Store in WordPress with WooCommerce

With over four million active installations, a rating of 4.6 on, and a whole army of digital store owners backing it up, WooCommerce is undoubtedly the most popular plugin providing a solution for digital stores on the WordPress system. [...]

Playing with the background-clip Property

The background-clip property allows us to control how far the background image (or background color) extends beyond the Padding or the content itself of an element. I assume that this explanation is challenging to understand without some examples and a [...]

Simple Guide for Creating WordPress Shortcodes

It is reasonable to assume that all of us have had to use these shortcodes in one constellation or another. Generally, these come together with plugins or themes, and what they do is search and replace whenever you input something [...]

How to add ACF Options Pages to Polylang websites

Recently I was required to add an editing option to an Archive Page on a website that works with Polylang. Since it’s not possible to add fields to an archive page using ACF, I had to add the editing option [...]

A few words about ACF Synchronized JSON

I really love Advanced Custom Fields, and I’ve already written about it in the past. And although there are interesting alternatives for creating new content fields, in 99% of the cases, the ACF plugin in its PRO version provides everything [...]