If you’re still not convinced that WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world, here’s a list of the most interesting statistics and information about WordPress as of November 2018. Let’s get straight to those statistics: 17 [...]
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 6
When a user asks a specific question in search, Google may choose to display the result as a special block called a Featured Snippet at the top of the search results window. This Featured Snippet contains a summary of the [...]
If you have tried using the in_category() function to check if a specific product belongs to a certain product category, you probably did not succeed. In this guide, we will see why… This is a common mistake indeed. So let’s [...]
WooCommerce is undoubtedly the most powerful E-Commerce plugin for WordPress. One of its main advantages is that it provides an API that allows you to do almost anything you want with your digital store. In this post, we will explain [...]
The functions wc_get_products and WC_Product_Query provide the standard and correct way to retrieve products when working with WooCommerce. This is the right way because it won’t break due to future changes in the database following new versions of WooCommerce. Using [...]
Gutenberg is about to be added soon to the WordPress core. These are good news for some people and less good news for others. It can be estimated that at the current stage, the vast majority of websites are not [...]
One of the most popular ways to breach WordPress sites is a Brute Force Attack. In this type of attack, hackers try many combinations of usernames and passwords in order to enter the WordPress admin interface. Especially when everyone knows [...]
In this guide, we will see a way to display a popup on WordPress sites. We’ll present the same popping message to your visitors without using a plugin and will help with Cookies. In this case, we will use the [...]
Registering ACF fields using PHP reduces the number of database reads and enables the use of Version Control like GIT and similar. The option to define fields via code decreases the chance of losing information that exists in a normal [...]
clip-path is a very interesting CSS property that allows you to “clip” a certain part of elements such as SVG, images, and HTML. The property creates a shape that determines which part of the element will be visible. The part [...]
I am sure you will find many methods and sources showing how to create a responsive table, some are good and some less so. Among these methods, you will find sophisticated tables built using CSS Grid, and even very simple [...]