
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 6

An In-Depth Look at Events in Google Analytics

By default, Google Analytics measures traffic on your site and tracks metrics such as pageviews, bounce rate, and more. However, if you want to track more specific interactions, such as file downloads, link clicks, form submissions, and video views, you [...]

Stop Video Outside the Viewport on WordPress Sites

In one of the projects I worked on, a considerable number of videos (video) were required on specific pages. Some of those videos needed to span the entire width of the screen, while others, smaller ones, were placed in a [...]

How to use the rel=next & rel=prev Tags??

The elements rel="next" and rel="prev" are HTML Link Elements intended to indicate relationships between URLs in a series or set of pages. On the level of internet sites, a numbered sequence of any content can take various forms… Update – [...]

How to Perform Animation (Transition) on Gradients?

In CSS, it is not possible to perform animation or partial gradient changes using the transition property. In other words, the following transition won’t work: .gradient { min-height: 200px; background-image: linear-gradient( to right, hsl(49.68, 97.89%, 62.75%), hsl(200, 51.54%, 44.51%) ); [...]

Creating a Slider in WordPress using Vegas Slider

Considering that sliders and slider plugins (usually bundled with purchased themes) are quite slow and cumbersome to use, it’s often preferable in many cases to build your own slider to avoid headaches for both you and your clients. Of course, [...]

position: sticky not Working? Try This

If you are experiencing issues with the position:sticky feature in CSS, meaning it’s not working for you, then the reason is usually one of the following: 1. The feature is not supported by your browser Before proceeding, make sure that [...]

What is SSL, and is it Necessary for WordPress Sites?

With a market share of 30%, WordPress is a popular system behind many business websites. Of course, this popularity makes it even more interesting and attractive for hackers and malicious attacks, which can easily damage your audience’s trust, leaving you [...]

Adding Numbered Pagination in a WordPress Template

If you are looking for a way to add numbered pagination to your WordPress template instead of the default “Next Posts” and “Previous Posts,” you can easily do so using the plugin that most of you probably know, called WP-PageNavi. [...]