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Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 3

How to Fix WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode

Occasionally, WordPress can get stuck in maintenance mode, leaving your site inaccessible. This typically happens during updates and can be frustrating. In this post, we’ll explore the causes and provide step-by-step instructions to fix and prevent this issue. What Causes [...]

Toggling Classes using JavaScript & Data Attributes

In this post, we’ll explore how to toggle CSS classes on HTML elements using JavaScript and data attributes. This method is useful for creating interactive elements on your webpage without adding complex JavaScript logic. Basic HTML Setup First, let’s look [...]

Understanding the CSS :has Property with Examples

The :has pseudo-class in CSS is a powerful selector introduced in CSS Selectors Level 4. This property allows developers to apply styles to an element based on the presence of its descendants or related elements, effectively enabling “parent” selectors, which [...]

The hreflang Attribute on Multilingual Websites

hreflang, which is also referred to as rel="alternate" hreflang="x", is a method in multi-language websites for marking pages that contain identical content but are intended for different languages and/or regions. The feature serves as a signal for search engines and [...]

Adding and Managing Coupons in WooCommerce Stores

Coupons, in our case WooCommerce coupons, can boost sales in your virtual store. You can sell products quickly, sell more products, and even increase traffic to your site using these coupons. Furthermore, using coupons allows you to improve awareness of [...]

Improve Frontend, Animations & Scrolling Performance

Whether you’ve noticed it or not, in recent years, the topic of optimization and performance of websites has become a hot topic. The topic primarily focuses on the loading time of websites and is achieved by reducing the overall weight [...]

Using CMB2 to create Custom Meta Boxes

Not long ago, I was asked to create an FAQ page for one of my clients. My first thought was to create this FAQ’s page using the beloved ACF plugin, but I remembered that one of the commenters on the [...]