
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 17

How to Add Security Headers to WordPress Site

Security Headers in WordPress were created to protect applications from frequent and widespread attacks without the need to add or modify anything in your application's code. When it comes to securing websites or web applications, there are several aspects to [...]

How to use the CSS @supports property?

Almost a decade of developing WordPress has taught me that detecting certain supported features in a browser is primarily done using JavaScript and libraries like Modernizr. Over the years, I've noticed that identifying specific features that are supported by a [...]

How the CSS minmax() function works

One of the useful features introduced along with the CSS Grid specifications is the 'minmax()' function. This function opens a door for us and enables writing stronger and more concise CSS by doing..

Responsive Layout with CSS Grid Without Using Media Queries

Adopting the flexibility of CSS Grid provides us with the ability to create resilient and robust websites (Frontend Wise), where instead of using specific and fixed sizes, we stretch elements...

Some words about the CSS Grid’s “Grid Areas” feature

In CSS Grid-based layouts – The default in placing elements in the grid itself is by defining the rows, or in fact, defining the grid lines according to which elements will start and end. The Grid Area feature is an [...]

CSS Grid Fr Unit Explained

CSS Grid introduced a new measurement unit to the world. It's essentially a new type of flexible unit called the Fr unit. The meaning of Fr is Fractional Unit, where 1fr represents a fraction of the available space.

The Complete Guide to Using Flexbox

In this guide, we will explain in detail how to use Flexbox and the justification and alignment properties it offers (among other things) to create grids and various layouts.

CSS Grid – The Complete Guide for Developers & Designers

A comprehensive guide to using CSS Grid for beginners and advanced users. CSS Grid is a module that allows you to create a grid-based layout using columns and rows. It can be said that until now...