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Tutorials & Guides, Freelance WordPress Developer | Page 17

How to use Relevanssi? A Better WordPress Search Mechanism

Better search results with Relevanssi. If you've ever tried using the built-in search functionality of WordPress to search for content on your site, I assume you've noticed that it's an area where the popular content management system WordPress falls short.

Optimize Google Fonts Loading Speed Using preconnect

The preconnect option is an important tool in your toolbox, not only for loading Google Fonts. As shown in the example above, using preconnect saves roundtrip time, especially in the critical upper part of your site or application. In certain [...]

How to Exclude IP Addresses from Google Analytics 4?

If you’re reading this post, it’s likely that you want to prevent certain activities—whether your own, your employees’, or any other internal traffic—from skewing the data in Google Analytics. With the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the method for [...]

Using CSS Gap with Flexbox

In this post, we'll see how to add spacing between flex items using the CSS property called gap, which is the shorthand for the properties row-gap & column-gap.

How to Define New Image Sizes in WordPress

In this brief guide, I will explain about image sizes in WordPress and their usage in the admin interface and code level. We will also see how to create new image sizes and how to prevent generating unnecessary images based [...]

Prevent Spam from Contact Form 7 forms using Akismet

Spam / Junk mail is a problem that all website owners have to deal with. The harsh truth is that if you have any kind of forms collecting information from site visitors, you’re likely to receive spam emails (spam) in [...]

Adding CSS Scroll Animations using AOS

You’ve probably encountered websites with various animations happening as you scroll down (On Scroll Animations). So, I’ll share with you a library I came across called AOS, which allows you to easily add these animations with full CSS control over [...]

The Importance of Trailing Slash in URL Addresses

Several times i've encountered the question "Why do some links have a trailing slash at the end of the URL, while others don't?" If the answer you're seeking is something like: "It doesn't matter, both work," you might consider reversing [...]

On Redirects and Regular Expressions (regex) in WordPress

The understanding of how to implement redirects using Regular Expressions can be somewhat problematic and frustrating, even for experienced developers. To be honest, I also struggle with Regular Expressions for that matter, and it’s definitely a useful skill that I [...]

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