
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 2

Installing Tailwind CSS in WordPress themes

In this post, we will see how to install and configure Tailwind CSS in WordPress themes. The process is simple, and I think that a simple & short guide that describes the process might be helpful so I decided to [...]

Dynamic Recipient Email Address Based on Dropdown Menu

As a WordPress developer working with large companies, I have encountered several times the need to dynamically change the email address to which the form is sent. For example, a situation where a company wants a dropdown on the Contact [...]

The Hierarchy of Page Templates in WordPress

If you are WordPress theme developers or using a child theme to modify your parent theme, it is reasonable to assume that you will reach a point where you will have to understand the hierarchy of WordPress themes. This hierarchy [...]

The SEO impact of Nofollow, Sponsored & UGC links

Google shook up the world of SEO and announced two new attributes for marking nofollow links, which will help Google better understand the nature of links. However, this announcement caused some confusion in the SEO world and among website promoters. [...]

Disavow Tool – Disengagement from Low-Quality Links

In recent years, there has been a debate among SEO specialists claiming that there is no need to reject low-quality links. So, in most cases, Google knows which links are reliable and which are not, but for the benefit of [...]

Show the total number of comments in WordPress

In WordPress, there is a built-in function called wp_count_comments that allows you to get the total number of comments for a specific post based on its ID. The function returns the total number of pending comments, approved comments, spam comments, [...]

Adding New Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products

WooCommerce is undoubtedly the most powerful E-Commerce plugin for WordPress. One of its main advantages is that it provides an API that allows you to do almost anything you want with your digital store. In this post, we will explain [...]

The Correct way to retrieve WooCommerce products in your template

The functions wc_get_products and WC_Product_Query provide the standard and correct way to retrieve products when working with WooCommerce. This is the right way because it won’t break due to future changes in the database following new versions of WooCommerce. Using [...]

Few ways to disable Gutenberg on WordPress

Gutenberg is about to be added soon to the WordPress core. These are good news for some people and less good news for others. It can be estimated that at the current stage, the vast majority of websites are not [...]

How to change the WordPress admin URL

One of the most popular ways to breach WordPress sites is a Brute Force Attack. In this type of attack, hackers try many combinations of usernames and passwords in order to enter the WordPress admin interface. Especially when everyone knows [...]