
Category: Performance

Looking to accelerate and improve your website’s loading speed? Fast page loading significantly enhances user experience, increases page views, helps improve conversion rates and sales percentages, and even contributes to better Google ranking and SEO.

A one-second delay in page loading time results in a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction, an 11% decrease in page views, and a 7% decrease in conversion rates. So, how fast should a website load? It can be said that a fast website loads in 2 seconds or less on desktop and about 4 seconds or less on mobile. This is at least the expectation of the visitors.

Now, for our concern – in this category, you’ll find posts about overall website performance improvement and specifically enhancing the performance of WordPress websites. You’ll discover guides and tips for improving loading times, ways to check performance and speed up your site using various methods. There’s also a complete guide to using the WP-Rocket plugin and additional caching plugins.

Registering ACF Fields with PHP

Registering ACF fields using PHP reduces the number of database reads and enables the use of Version Control like GIT and similar. The option to define fields via code decreases the chance of losing information that exists in a normal [...]

Lazy Loading Scripts

The script that activates the search option on Savvy Blog is loaded only when the user clicks on the search icon in the top bar. So, the functionality of the search is not particularly complex or anything like that, but [...]

Critical CSS and Render-Blocking Resources

If you’ve used Google PageSpeed Insights before, I assume you’ve encountered a stage where a comment indicates that you need to “Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources” as it is one of the common messages you encounter in PSI. In this post, I [...]

Guide to Google PageSpeed for WordPress Users – Part 1

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI for short) is a useful tool for website developers. Its intentions are certainly good, but it can be said that it is not suitable for the average WordPress site owner. Despite the recent addition of specific [...]

Preload Critical Assets to Improve Performance

There are many ways to improve a website performance. One of the ways is to preload specific files that you know will be required later and are essential for the quick rendering of the page. The preload value of the [...]

About CSS Containment and Improving Performance

CSS Containment is a module that describes a CSS property called contain. This property allows developers to isolate a specific element’s subtree in the DOM and treat it as independent and separate from the rest of the elements in the [...]

Loading Google Analytics Locally from Your Server

When optimizing the number of requests to the server (HTTP Requests), you may encounter a stage in the Google Analytics script. The script makes an asynchronous request to download the analytics.js file from Google’s servers. Since this is an asynchronous [...]

WP-Rocket – Complete Guide & Optimal Settings

The plugin WP-Rocket currently serves more than 400,000 WordPress websites, and the results it provides in terms of website performance are quite impressive. It is very user-friendly and offers several features that you won’t find in other plugins. In this [...]