
Category: Performance | Page 2

CLS – Cumulative Layout Shift and Ways to Improve it

One of the most frustrating things that happen to us when browsing a website is unexpected and sudden changes on a page. Such changes can be a suddenly appearing popup, content that shifts suddenly in the middle of reading, or [...]

Website Performance & Time to First Byte (TTFB)

What is Time to First Byte (TTFB), and how can it be improved? For those of you who are testing the speed and loading time of WordPress websites (and in general), there are several metrics that help understand the factors [...]

Improving Loading Time of Embedded Videos with Lite YouTube

YouTube is a popular Video Streaming website owned by Google. With over a billion users and millions of daily views, you can practically find YouTube videos everywhere on the internet. Using your YouTube account is a convenient way to add [...]

Defer JavaScript for Youtube Videos

Delaying Javascript, in other words, Defer parsing of Javascript, is one of the messages you might receive when checking your website’s speed using tools like GTmetrix and Pingdom. But what does it actually mean to delay the parsing of Javascript? [...]