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Category: WooCommerce

Interested in building a digital store with WordPress? The WooCommerce plugin helps you create an E-Commerce store easily on WordPress. It’s essentially an extension for WordPress that allows you to build and manage an online digital store with a wide range of options, such as inventory management, order management, customer interactions, and more.

WooCommerce is the most popular system today for building digital stores and selling products online. So, if you’re looking to enhance the functionality of WooCommerce, increase sales on your site, and provide users with a better user experience, take a look at this category.

Here, you’ll find guides on building a virtual store using WooCommerce, managing coupons, using product variations, and a lot of ways to improve, expand, and manage WooCommerce sites.

Adding and Managing Coupons in WooCommerce Stores

Coupons, in our case WooCommerce coupons, can boost sales in your virtual store. You can sell products quickly, sell more products, and even increase traffic to your site using these coupons. Furthermore, using coupons allows you to improve awareness of [...]

Check if a Product Belongs to a Specific Category or Tag

If you have tried using the in_category() function to check if a specific product belongs to a certain product category, you probably did not succeed. In this guide, we will see why… This is a common mistake indeed. So let’s [...]

Adding New Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products

WooCommerce is undoubtedly the most powerful E-Commerce plugin for WordPress. One of its main advantages is that it provides an API that allows you to do almost anything you want with your digital store. In this post, we will explain [...]

The Correct way to retrieve WooCommerce products in your template

The functions wc_get_products and WC_Product_Query provide the standard and correct way to retrieve products when working with WooCommerce. This is the right way because it won’t break due to future changes in the database following new versions of WooCommerce. Using [...]

Guide to Using WooCommerce Hooks

Before we start explaining how to use WooCommerce hooks, let’s say a few words about hooks. Hooks in WordPress allow you to add or modify code without editing the source files. Hence, they are very useful and enable developers to [...]