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Category: SEO

Looking for ways to improve your website’s search engine ranking? Want to promote your site on Google, optimize your content, and make it easier for search engines to understand and crawl your site effectively? You’ve come to the right place…

Surely you’re aware that WordPress is one of the best content management systems for SEO. However, despite the built-in options in this system, there are also numerous actions you can take to achieve higher rankings and make it easier for Google and search engines to better understand your site’s structure.

In this category, you’ll find many guides and tips on promoting WordPress sites on Google, optimizing content, and, in general, improving your site’s overall status in terms of SEO.

We’ll explain technical SEO, talk about On-page SEO, which relates more to site content, discuss Google Analytics, breadcrumbs, and also delve into how to use the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, which many use to enhance their site’s content for more relevant search results to users.

The hreflang Attribute on Multilingual Websites

hreflang, which is also referred to as rel="alternate" hreflang="x", is a method in multi-language websites for marking pages that contain identical content but are intended for different languages and/or regions. The feature serves as a signal for search engines and [...]

Looking for Technical SEO Services?

If you’ve reached this point, you likely already know that your website has technical issues related to SEO in Google. Before we continue – I must honestly say that this is the first post I am writing intended to promote [...]

The SEO impact of Nofollow, Sponsored & UGC links

Google shook up the world of SEO and announced two new attributes for marking nofollow links, which will help Google better understand the nature of links. However, this announcement caused some confusion in the SEO world and among website promoters. [...]

About Featured Snippets in Google Search Results

When a user asks a specific question in search, Google may choose to display the result as a special block called a Featured Snippet at the top of the search results window. This Featured Snippet contains a summary of the [...]