
Category: SEO | Page 4

The Importance of Trailing Slash in URL Addresses

Several times i've encountered the question "Why do some links have a trailing slash at the end of the URL, while others don't?" If the answer you're seeking is something like: "It doesn't matter, both work," you might consider reversing [...]

On Redirects and Regular Expressions (regex) in WordPress

The understanding of how to implement redirects using Regular Expressions can be somewhat problematic and frustrating, even for experienced developers. To be honest, I also struggle with Regular Expressions for that matter, and it’s definitely a useful skill that I [...]

10 Advantages of Using WordPress for Better SEO

It’s no secret that nowadays WordPress is the most popular content management system on the internet. Almost every fourth website worldwide is built on this platform, and with such statistics, there’s no room for argument. However, not everyone is aware [...]

Creating Proper Titles (Snippets) for SEO

The way Google generates titles and descriptions (snippets) for pages is a completely automatic process, taking into account both the page’s content and references to this page appearing on the web. The goal of those titles and snippets is to [...]

Category Pages SEO Optimization

The category pages in WordPress are often the most neglected pages in terms of promotion and SEO. When you navigate to a category page on any blog, you’ll likely see nothing more than a list of posts within that category. [...]

Your website not appearing on Google? Reasons & Solutions…

In this post, we will explain how to make your website appear in Google search results and explore the reasons that might prevent it from appearing in these search results. This is a concise and focused post, so let’s dive [...]

Google Search Console – The Complete Guide (2024)

Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to track your website’s performance in Google search results. It provides information about issues you need to address to improve your ranking and SEO. As you know, monitoring your website’s performance [...]

What are Canonical URLs and how to use them?

If you have any page on your site accessible through multiple URL addresses or you have different pages with identical content – for example, a mobile version and a desktop version – Google will consider them as duplicated versions of [...]