
Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 11

Cool CSS4 Selectors which Are Soon to Come

The current status of CSS Selectors Level 4 is a kind of draft; however, modern browsers have already started implementing certain parts of the new specifications. In essence, there will never be CSS4 just as there will never be HTML6, [...]

Styling the First Letter with CSS ::first-letter

::first-letter is another useful pseudo-element that allows you to style the first letter of text within any element without the need to modify the HTML or add any specific tags like span. The method works similarly to a scenario in [...]

What is Facebook Pixel & How to add it in WordPress?

In case you’re wondering what that Facebook Pixel is, and if you’re interested in knowing whether you should add it to your WordPress site, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I will explain what that Facebook [...]

Website Performance & Time to First Byte (TTFB)

What is Time to First Byte (TTFB), and how can it be improved? For those of you who are testing the speed and loading time of WordPress websites (and in general), there are several metrics that help understand the factors [...]

Google Tag Manager for Beginners: Why and How to Use It (2024)

Collecting information using tools like Google Analytics is a critical action for increasing organic traffic, achieving higher conversions, and optimizing your leading digital marketing strategy to establish stronger connections with users on your website. However, putting it into practice is [...]

Better WordPress Search Mechanism with Relevanssi

Better search results with Relevanssi. If you've ever tried using the built-in search functionality of WordPress to search for content on your site, I assume you've noticed that it's an area where the popular content management system WordPress falls short.

How to Exclude your IP Address from Google Analytics?

If you’re reading this post, it’s likely that you don’t want the activity you or your company’s employees perform on your site, or alternatively, the activity of all employees within the company accessing the same site, to “muddle” the existing [...]

Using CSS Gap with Flexbox

In this post, we'll see how to add spacing between flex items using the CSS property called gap, which is the shorthand for the properties row-gap & column-gap.