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Guides & Articles, Freelance WordPress Developer - Israel | Page 19

Duplicate Content – Causes & Solutions in WordPress Sites

What is duplicate content, how to identify it, and how to prevent it? One of the challenges in the world of promotion and SEO, which could hinder a website's ranking and organic success, is duplicate content. Search engines like Google [...]

How to Create Custom Post Types In WordPress

What are Custom Post Types and how to create them. WordPress has gained momentum in recent years and has established itself as a reputable and influential content management system (CMS) in the online world.

Permanent 301 Redirects and their SEO Importance

Sometimes, 301 redirects can be confusing and consistently lead to debates about the correct way to use them among website developers and SEO professionals. In this post, we will clarify what a 301 redirect is...

CSS Variables – What Are They & How to Use Them?

CSS Variables, also known as CSS Custom Properties, are now supported in all modern browsers, fulfilling the anticipation of frontend developers for quite some time. They bring the power of usage

Technical SEO – Rank Higher on Google – Part 1

This is the first part of the Google SEO guide and it discusses Technical SEO. This is an essential and important step to perform before reaching the stage of Content Optimization and On-Page SEO described in part two of the [...]

NoFollow Links and their SEO Value

The reality is this - NoFollow links help promote your website on Google, period. I say this from my personal experience on the subject and also from evidence I've seen in various studies online - it's not...

The Importance of Internal Links for SEO

As I continued to write, I felt that a small network of information was forming and evolving, interconnected through internal links, becoming broader, more stable, and increasingly coherent over time. I also observed...