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Tutorials & Guides, Freelance WordPress Developer | Page 16

How to Use Waze Deep Links

Waze Deep Links enables users on your website to easily open the Waze app through an embedded external link on the same site, ensuring a seamless transition between your website and the Waze app for navigation to your business or [...]

How Google and Search Engines Analyze URLs to Improve SEO

Search engines require a unique website address for each page to enable scanning, indexing, and user redirection to that page. Let’s explain a bit about the structure of a URL and describe how search engines refer to these addresses. Generally, [...]

Exciting CSS4 Selectors Coming Soon: What to Expect

The current status of CSS Selectors Level 4 is a kind of draft; however, modern browsers have already started implementing certain parts of the new specifications. In essence, there will never be CSS4 just as there will never be HTML6, [...]

Styling the First Letter with CSS ::first-letter Property

::first-letter is another useful pseudo-element that allows you to style the first letter of text within any element without the need to modify the HTML or add any specific tags like span. The method works similarly to a scenario in [...]

What is Meta Pixel & How to add it in WordPress?

In case you’re wondering what the Meta Pixel (previously known as Facebook Pixel) is, and if you’re interested in knowing whether you should add it to your WordPress site, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll explain [...]

Google Tag Manager for Beginners: Why and How to Use It (2024)

Collecting information using tools like Google Analytics is a critical action for increasing organic traffic, achieving higher conversions, and optimizing your leading digital marketing strategy to establish stronger connections with users on your website. However, putting it into practice is [...]

How to use Relevanssi? A Better WordPress Search Mechanism

Better search results with Relevanssi. If you've ever tried using the built-in search functionality of WordPress to search for content on your site, I assume you've noticed that it's an area where the popular content management system WordPress falls short.

Optimize Google Fonts Loading Speed Using preconnect

The preconnect option is an important tool in your toolbox, not only for loading Google Fonts. As shown in the example above, using preconnect saves roundtrip time, especially in the critical upper part of your site or application. In certain [...]

How to Exclude IP Addresses from Google Analytics 4?

If you’re reading this post, it’s likely that you want to prevent certain activities—whether your own, your employees’, or any other internal traffic—from skewing the data in Google Analytics. With the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the method for [...]

Savvy WordPress Development