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Category: Development | Page 15

What is the robots.txt file and how to use it correctly

The file robots.txt contains instructions for search engines regarding how they should crawl your website. These instructions, known as directives in English, are used to guide bots and specify certain search engines (or all) to refrain from scanning specific addresses, [...]

How to Create Custom Post Types In WordPress

What are Custom Post Types and how to create them. WordPress has gained momentum in recent years and has established itself as a reputable and influential content management system (CMS) in the online world.

Check if a Value exists in an Array using JS or jQuery

I’ve already written a post in the past discussing arrays in JavaScript that explains the basic usage of JavaScript arrays. In this post, we’ll specifically talk about how to check if an array contains a specific value or not. Both [...]

Playing with JavaScript Arrays

You probably know that in JavaScript we use arrays to store a number of values in a single variable. In a JavaScript array, each element has a number (index), where the index of an array starts from zero and increments [...]

JavaScript Functions for Beginners

A function is a set of declarations (statements in English) that take input, perform a certain calculation, and provide output. In other words, a function is a set of declarations that perform a number of actions or calculations and then [...]