
Category: Development | Page 6

Adding Numbered Pagination in a WordPress Template

If you are looking for a way to add numbered pagination to your WordPress template instead of the default “Next Posts” and “Previous Posts,” you can easily do so using the plugin that most of you probably know, called WP-PageNavi. [...]

About CSS Containment and Improving Performance

CSS Containment is a module that describes a CSS property called contain. This property allows developers to isolate a specific element’s subtree in the DOM and treat it as independent and separate from the rest of the elements in the [...]

Improving the Number of Database Queries in ACF

Sometimes the functions get_field and the_field of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin are sufficient for pages with a few custom fields. However, for pages with many fields or very complex fields (such as those in Repeater or Flexible Fields), we [...]

Create an Exit Intent Popup in WordPress without Plugin

The term “exit intent popup” has gained popularity in recent years, especially on WordPress, E-commerce websites and digital stores in particular. In essence, an exit intent popup uses JavaScript to track the user’s mouse movements, so that when the user [...]

A Glance at CSS Mix Blend Modes

According to Wikipedia, merging (or “blending modes”) in digital image editing and computer graphics is used to determine how two layers blend together. In most applications, the default blending mode is simply to hide the bottom layer by covering it [...]