
Category: Development | Page 12

Check if a Value exists in an Array using JS or jQuery

I’ve already written a post in the past discussing arrays in JavaScript that explains the basic usage of JavaScript arrays. In this post, we’ll specifically talk about how to check if an array contains a specific value or not. Both [...]

Playing with JavaScript Arrays

You probably know that in JavaScript we use arrays to store a number of values in a single variable. In a JavaScript array, each element has a number (index), where the index of an array starts from zero and increments [...]

JavaScript Functions for Beginners

A function is a set of declarations (statements in English) that take input, perform a certain calculation, and provide output. In other words, a function is a set of declarations that perform a number of actions or calculations and then [...]

JavaScript Objects for Beginners

JavaScript is built on a simple paradigm based on objects. An object is a collection of properties, where a property is an association between a key and a value. Objects in JavaScript can be compared to objects in other programming [...]

Transferring UTM Parameters Between Pages / Domains

In one of my recent projects, the client requested that I transfer the UTM Parameters with which the user arrives from different campaigns to other pages on the website. To be precise...

CSS Grid Fr Unit Explained

CSS Grid introduced a new measurement unit to the world. It's essentially a new type of flexible unit called the Fr unit. The meaning of Fr is Fractional Unit, where 1fr represents a fraction of the available space.

The Complete Guide to Using Flexbox

In this guide, we will explain in detail how to use Flexbox and the justification and alignment properties it offers (among other things) to create grids and various layouts.