
Category: Development | Page 13

Loading Fonts with @font-face

The @font-face Rule in CSS enables the usage of customized fonts (Custom Fonts) for the text on your website. These fonts can be loaded from an external server using the "url()" function or...

Working with Internet Cookies in JavaScript

Cookies are one of the most important web technologies. Cookies were created to store persistent information about users in a browser. The same cookie is a piece of information from a certain website that is stored in the browser, so [...]

JavaScript for Loop – Basic Explanation & Examples

Loops allow us to run a specific piece of code multiple times as desired. In this post, we will specifically focus on the 'for' loop in JavaScript and present examples that use the loop to achieve various tasks.

How to Allow Gutenberg Editor for CPT’s

Gutenberg is the new editor that comes by default in WordPress (version 5.0+). However, it turns out that it does not automatically appear for Custom Post Types. By default, these use the classic WordPress editor. It’s possible (quite likely, actually) [...]

What is FTP? A beginners guide to FTP for WordPress users

Although lots of things can be done via the WordPress dashboard, not everything can be done. Sometimes you need to make a change directly to one of the website files. You may want to do this in order to strengthen [...]

Display the Estimated Post Reading Time on WordPress

It seems you’ve come across certain websites that provide the estimated reading time of an article like this one. Personally, when I saw this, I thought it was a bit absurd. However, I’ve already come across several articles explaining that [...]