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CSS Grid – The Complete Guide for Developers & Designers

CSS Grid is a module that allows creating a layout based on a grid using columns and rows. Until recently, HTML layout was built using floats, tables, and other various CSS properties that were definitely not suitable for creating...

The Complete Guide to Using Flexbox

Since forever, the use of grids has been an integral part of the world of design and website development. As Frontend developers, you’ve likely encountered websites built on some CSS Framework like Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS and others, which allow...

Technical SEO – Rank Higher on Google – Part 1

...depicting the three pillars of the SEO process: Technical SEO, On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO: On-Page SEO is the process related to content and how to make it relevant to what users are searching for. In contrast, Off-Page SEO...

How to use Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin – Full Guide Part 2

...individual pages contains four tabs: SEO, Readability, Schema, and Social. These tabs allow us to set specific SEO settings that will affect this post, and this post only. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tabs… Note:...

How to use Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin – Full Guide Part 1

...instantly propel you to the top spots in Google search results, but proper use of Yoast SEO is indeed a step towards a better SEO and can save you a lot of optimization work and On-Page SEO. I hope...

Looking for Technical SEO Services?

...or On-Page SEO – but only about Technical SEO – i.e., technical issues and improvements. If this is a service you are looking for, continue reading… What will I perform for you and what are the technical issues involved?...

The Importance of Internal Links for SEO

...more coherent over time. I also noticed improvements in rankings and positions in organic search results that came along with technical SEO optimization and the implementation of On-Page SEO processes that I carried out. As mentioned in the On-Page...

Category Pages SEO Optimization

...not have considered. So here are some actions you can take to optimize WordPress category pages in terms of promotion and On-Page SEO. You can also use the Yoast SEO plugin to help with implementation: 1. Optimize Category Name...

10 Advantages of Using WordPress for Better SEO

...the perfect system for SEO compared to other systems in the market? In this article, we will go over some of the advantages of WordPress in terms of SEO. 1. Plugins Enable More Effective SEO Work WordPress has several...

Playing with the background-clip Property

The background-clip property allows us to control how far the background image (or background color) extends beyond the Padding or the content itself of an element. I assume that this explanation is challenging to understand without some examples and...

Using CSS Gap with Flexbox

CSS Flexbox as well as CSS Grid are excellent tools for managing layout on websites. Flexbox provides wonderful one-dimensional alignment, and CSS Grid solves the issue of two-dimensional alignment using rows and columns. Sometimes, we often want to add...

Customization of Underlines using text-decoration

The CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 module provides us with several new ways to decorate and adorn text on web pages, and browser support for this module is quite extensive, much to our delight. New CSS properties such...

The clip-path property in CSS and how to use it

clip-path is a very interesting CSS property that allows you to “clip” a certain part visible to the eye in elements such as SVG, images, and HTML. The property creates a shape that determines which part of the element...

Disavow Tool – Disengagement from Low-Quality Links

...external tool that provides extensive analysis and Off-Page SEO options. Here is a list of several popular tools for checking links: Ahrefs – A tool primarily intended for professional SEO guys. The tool will go through all your links...

Outbound Links and Their SEO Value

Outbound Links are the least appreciated tactic in Content Marketing and the process of On-Page SEO Optimization. Anyone involved in SEO undoubtedly knows that a link from the external world to your site is an important signal contributing to...

Separator Line with a Middle Element in CSS

This is a short post describing how to create a separator line with an element in the middle, like a kind of divider with text or an image when there is the same separator line to the left and...

Building and Submitting a Sitemap on WordPress Sites

...settings on the page itself. Here’s a post that explains more about Yoast SEO’s local settings. It’s important to note that you cannot prevent images from being indexed using the Yoast SEO plugin. What If Your Images Are Served...

NoFollow Links and their SEO Value

The reality is that: NoFollow links help to get higher rankings and improves your SEO. I say this from my personal experience on the topic and also from the testimonials I’ve seen in various studies online – it’s not...

Image Optimization for WordPress in terms of SEO

...the resounding answer is a definitive YES!!! Images catch the eye, make your site more interesting and vibrant, highlight the article’s topic and surrounding text, and even contribute to your SEO rankings. However, without proper image optimization, you’re wasting...

The SEO impact of Nofollow, Sponsored & UGC links

Google shook up the world of SEO and announced two new attributes for marking nofollow links, which will help Google better understand the nature of links. However, this announcement caused some confusion in the SEO world and among website...

Adding CSS Scroll Animations using AOS

You’ve probably encountered websites with various animations happening as you scroll down (On Scroll Animations). So, I’ll share with you a library I came across called AOS, which allows you to easily add these animations with full CSS control...

Google Search Console – The Complete Guide (2024)

Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to track your website’s performance in Google search results. It provides information about issues you need to address to improve your ranking and SEO. As you know, monitoring your...

Adding Schema & Structured Data to WordPress

...temperature, calorie count, and more. So, many of us have worked on WordPress websites or other projects where technical SEO was the first requirement, even before performing the process of On-page SEO. These structured data are included in the...