
Category: UX/UI | Page 6

CSS Grid Fr Unit Explained

CSS Grid introduced a new measurement unit to the world. It's essentially a new type of flexible unit called the Fr unit. The meaning of Fr is Fractional Unit, where 1fr represents a fraction of the available space.

The Complete Guide to Using Flexbox

In this guide, we will explain in detail how to use Flexbox and the justification and alignment properties it offers (among other things) to create grids and various layouts.

CSS Grid – The Complete Guide for Developers & Designers

A comprehensive guide to using CSS Grid for beginners and advanced users. CSS Grid is a module that allows you to create a grid-based layout using columns and rows. It can be said that until now...

Loading Fonts with @font-face

The @font-face Rule in CSS enables the usage of customized fonts (Custom Fonts) for the text on your website. These fonts can be loaded from an external server using the "url()" function or...

The “font-display” property and how to use it

The font-display property determines how fonts loaded using @font-face are displayed on a website, based on whether the font has already been downloaded and is ready to be used or not. To address this issue, where text is present but [...]

Define a Different Style for Outbound Links in CSS

I am constantly improving the user experience and the appearance of my website, especially the look and feel of the blog. Yesterday, while going through one of the posts, I noticed that there are quite a few external links in [...]

Display the Estimated Post Reading Time on WordPress

It seems you’ve come across certain websites that provide the estimated reading time of an article like this one. Personally, when I saw this, I thought it was a bit absurd. However, I’ve already come across several articles explaining that [...]