
Category: UX/UI | Page 2

Creating a Slider in WordPress using Vegas Slider

Considering that sliders and slider plugins (usually bundled with purchased themes) are quite slow and cumbersome to use, it’s often preferable in many cases to build your own slider to avoid headaches for both you and your clients. Of course, [...]

position: sticky not Working? Try This

If you are experiencing issues with the position:sticky feature in CSS, meaning it’s not working for you, then the reason is usually one of the following: 1. The feature is not supported by your browser Before proceeding, make sure that [...]

Create an Exit Intent Popup in WordPress without Plugin

The term “exit intent popup” has gained popularity in recent years, especially on WordPress, E-commerce websites and digital stores in particular. In essence, an exit intent popup uses JavaScript to track the user’s mouse movements, so that when the user [...]

A Glance at CSS Mix Blend Modes

According to Wikipedia, merging (or “blending modes”) in digital image editing and computer graphics is used to determine how two layers blend together. In most applications, the default blending mode is simply to hide the bottom layer by covering it [...]

Create an Elements Filter with Isotope Library

In this post, we will show how to create a filter with Isotope that allows filtering elements based on any attribute, in our case, we will enable filtering posts by taxonomy. To create the filter we gonna use Isotope which [...]

Playing with the background-clip Property

The background-clip property allows us to control how far the background image (or background color) extends beyond the Padding or the content itself of an element. I assume that this explanation is challenging to understand without some examples and a [...]