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Posts about: WordPress Development | Page 5

As you probably already heard, REST API provides you with the ability to interact with your WordPress site externally, for example, from a mobile application or another website. Let’s look at a short code example that describes how you can [...]

In this short post, we’ll see what the correct way is to monitor PHP errors on WordPress sites using WP_DEBUG_LOG. Like most things related to WordPress development, it can be said that the best way to understand a specific function [...]

PHP comments and messages are helpful for WordPress developers to “debug” issues in the code they or others have written. Of course, it wouldn’t be professional if these were displayed for site visitors, so in this short post, we’ll see [...]

WordPress is known to people as a robust and reliable blogging system. People use RSS Feeds to subscribe to new content you publish through third-party applications like Feedly, for example. However, not everyone uses WordPress for a blog, and there [...]

Not infrequently, I found myself in a situation where I wanted to share a post or page that was still in draft mode with someone who is not registered in the system. For example, when someone wrote a guest post [...]

Before we start explaining how to use WooCommerce hooks, let’s say a few words about hooks. Hooks in WordPress allow you to add or modify code without editing the source files. Hence, they are very useful and enable developers to [...]

If you’re into WordPress development, you won’t be able to ignore hooks (Actions & Filters) for a long time before you have to delve deep and understand the meaning of those hooks in WordPress and how to use them. Changes [...]