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Posts about: WordPress Development | Page 4

How to Prevent PHP Error Display in WordPress

PHP comments and messages are helpful for WordPress developers to “debug” issues in the code they or others have written. Of course, it wouldn’t be professional if these were displayed for site visitors, so in this short post, we’ll see [...]

How to Easily Disable RSS Feeds on WordPress Sites

WordPress is known to people as a robust and reliable blogging system. People use RSS Feeds to subscribe to new content you publish through third-party applications like Feedly, for example. However, not everyone uses WordPress for a blog, and there [...]

Mastering WooCommerce Hooks: A Complete Guide

Before we start explaining how to use WooCommerce hooks, let’s say a few words about hooks. Hooks in WordPress allow you to add or modify code without editing the source files. Hence, they are very useful and enable developers to [...]

WordPress Hooks Explained: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re into WordPress development, you won’t be able to ignore hooks (Actions & Filters) for a long time before you have to delve deep and understand the meaning of those hooks in WordPress and how to use them. Changes [...]

Add a Dark Mode Toggle to Your Website with localStorage

Dark Mode or Dark Theme has become quite common on websites lately. And with this trend existing in iOS, macOS & Windows, most systems or applications have already adopted those dark themes. “Dark Mode” makes your website more attractive to [...]

How to Build a Multilingual Site in WordPress Using Polylang

The Polylang plugin is a type of extension that allows you to create a multilingual WordPress site, meaning a site with language diversity. You create pages, posts, categories, and tags as you normally would, define a language for each of [...]

Disabling Automatic Redirects in Yoast SEO Premium

Yoast SEO Premium Redirects Manager allows for automatic redirection when any URL on your site changes. In most cases, this is an excellent option, and you’d want to keep those redirects. However, there are situations where you may prefer to [...]

Create an FAQ Page in WordPress with ACF

The plugin Advanced Custom Fields in its Pro version comes with the option to add a “Repeater Field.” The Repeater Field allows the user to add an unlimited number of rows to a post or page in WordPress. This field [...]

Google Analytics 4 – WordPress Installation Guide

On July 1, 2023, Google’s Universal Analytics (UA) ceased processing data. You can continue to view data collected before this date for a certain period, but any new data received from this date onward will be visible exclusively in Google [...]

Savvy WordPress Development