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Posts about: CSS | Page 3

Exciting CSS4 Selectors Coming Soon: What to Expect

The current status of CSS Selectors Level 4 is a kind of draft; however, modern browsers have already started implementing certain parts of the new specifications. In essence, there will never be CSS4 just as there will never be HTML6, [...]

Styling the First Letter with CSS ::first-letter Property

::first-letter is another useful pseudo-element that allows you to style the first letter of text within any element without the need to modify the HTML or add any specific tags like span. The method works similarly to a scenario in [...]

Using CSS Gap with Flexbox

In this post, we'll see how to add spacing between flex items using the CSS property called gap, which is the shorthand for the properties row-gap & column-gap.

Adding CSS Scroll Animations using AOS

You’ve probably encountered websites with various animations happening as you scroll down (On Scroll Animations). So, I’ll share with you a library I came across called AOS, which allows you to easily add these animations with full CSS control over [...]

CSS Variables: What They Are and How to Use Them

CSS Variables, also known as CSS Custom Properties, are now supported in all modern browsers, fulfilling the anticipation of frontend developers for quite some time. They bring the power of usage

How to Use the CSS @supports Property for Feature Detection

Almost a decade of developing WordPress has taught me that detecting certain supported features in a browser is primarily done using JavaScript and libraries like Modernizr. Over the years, I've noticed that identifying specific features that are supported by a [...]

How the CSS minmax() Function Works

One of the useful features introduced along with the CSS Grid specifications is the 'minmax()' function. This function opens a door for us and enables writing stronger and more concise CSS by doing..

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